An Introduction to CBT
1 Day Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Course in Glasgow:
The ACT Counselling Services Team are looking forward to the delivery of another 1-day ‘Introduction to the Theory and Practise of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)’ short course in the coming week. This is a very popular course with workers from various helping professions nowadays being asked to have a basic understanding of what CBT is and to be able to integrate some of the techniques into the roles that they undertake with their service users. Furthermore, the course is very popular with Counsellors/Psychotherapists from different modalities who wish to add CBT techniques to their practice.

What the course offers…

The course offers participants some profound personal insights as the theory and techniques belonging to CBT are turned on the self throughout the 1 day. This is mostly down to the evincing of beliefs, rules, values and attitudes from the unconscious mind into awareness. The necessity for this is to uncover self-defeating patterns of thinking and behaviours. Every Human Being in this world today is locked in this vicious and often self-destructive cycle. Once participants become aware of their own issues then they can often link the beliefs, rules etc back to their genesis which is often early childhood.

By course participants shining the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy lamp on themselves, we find that they begin to have a tremendous amount of faith in the approach which augurs well for working with other people.
At ACT Counselling Services we are passionate about the above. We believe that the vast majority of people are only living what a client once described as ‘half a life.’ This needn’t be the case. Too much time is spent ruminating or berating oneself over the past or spending time worrying about a future that probably won’t happen. This drags us away from our lives today and in a way switches us into autopilot.
As Fritz Perls said back in 1950:
‘I find it fascinating that whilst in cybernetics they are trying to make robots like people and in everyday life people are trying to make themselves like robots. What are we doing?’
He also said more shockingly:
‘Too much time spent ruminating over the past or worrying about the future means you are dead already.’
Get in touch today to book your place:
Don’t let the above be you or the people you work with. Get in touch today with ACT Counselling and CBT Services and start living. You can call us on 0141 554 0838 or email us via our online contact form here. Alternatively, you can download our online application form here and post it to us.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Furthermore, if you are looking for therapists who offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for a range of mental health issues you can read more about it on this page. We offer therapy at Act Counselling and CBT Services and are happy to speak with you today should you wish to find out more and book in with one of our therapists. Get in touch with us today via our online contact form or call us on 0141 554 0838.
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