

Supervision of CBT Practice – CBT Therapist

Whatever experience you have as a CBT Therapist, if you are looking for a Clinical Supervisor to support and guide you in your CBT Practice, then ACT Counselling Services have a range of experienced Supervisors to meet with your requirements. Our Clinical Supervisors can facilitate Group Supervision or Individual Supervision of Student, Qualified and Accredited CBT Therapists.

Informed and guided by the BABCP Guidelines

Supervision of CBT Practice is informed and guided by the BABCP Guidelines for best practice in Clinical Supervision of CBT. A robust and collaborative Supervision Contract will be agreed with your Supervisor. This will determine the frequency, duration, focus of Supervision as well as the extensive methodology that can be used by your Clinical Supervisor. In line with BABCP Accreditation and best practice requirements our Clinical Supervisors are experienced in offering feedback to video or audio recordings that you bring using the CTS-R.

The functions of a supervisor

We consider the function of Clinical Supervision to be threefold. Firstly ‘Accountability,’ your Supervisor appreciates that you are accountable to somebody in relation to your CBT Practice. This would usually be an organisation or course provider. The Supervisor must ensure that they have an understanding of all of the relevant policies, procedures, protocols and codes to help you follow then and keep you safe. This is very often overlooked in Clinical Supervision. The second function is ‘Developmental,’ it is important that the Supervision offered is informed by your experience as CBT Therapist. So for example, the type of Supervision offered to a Student of newly qualified Therapist will be different to that offered to an experienced, Accredited CBT Therapist. The third function is ‘Support,’ we are in a business that triggers Counter-Transference and feelings within the Supervisee. It is important that a strong Supervisory Alliance exists within which these crucial issues may be addressed.

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ACT Counselling Services Clinical Supervisors

All ACT Counselling Services Clinical Supervisors are experienced and qualified CBT Supervisors and most have an in depth understanding of a Trans-Theoretical model of Supervision. This means that various modalities or Supervisory Models can be drawn upon to help conceptualise the Supervisee’s experience or determine useful interventions.

At ACT Counselling Services all of our Clinical Supervisors are BABCP Accredited as Practitioners, most have a Supervisory qualification and if not are actively in the process of working towards this achievement. All of our Supervisors appreciate the value and necessity of attending Supervisory Supervision over and above the Supervision of their CBT Practice. We also have BABCP Accredited Clinical Supervisors available who can help to support you and make sense of the BABCP Accreditation process.

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Location and Costs

Clinical Supervision is provided within premises 210 Glasgow Road, Rutherglen, Glasgow, G73 1SA

The cost of Clinical Supervision is related to the experience of the Supervisor as outlined below:

BABCP Accredited Practitioner/BABCP Accredited Supervisor – £60

BABCP Accredited Practitioner – £50

‘When all is said and done, Therapy, stripped right back to it’s bare bones, is just 2 frightened people in a room trying to figure it out. Robust Clinical Supervision can keep you well in order to keep your client well

If you are a CBT Therapist in Glasgow looking for supervision please get in touch to find out more

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Diploma in Counselling Supervision

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