Introduction to CBT – 1 day course

Introduction to CBT – 1 day course

ACT Counselling Services Ltd

Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
1 day Course

This course is a very popular course and offers participants some profound personal insights and very practical professional development.

BABCP Accredited

The course was written and is delivered by BABCP Accredited CB Psychotherapists. Participants will find Facilitators knowledgeable, approachable and highly experienced in the practice of all main therapeutic modalities. This helps enormously in integrating the approach with existing traditions that many participants bring hoping to integrate CBT into their practice.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes for this course are essentially that you will have a sound understanding of CBT and find many ways of applying it to self and/or others, as well as gaining an enhanced appreciation of how it may compliment current practice.


1 day Course ‘An Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy’
Training will take place at ACT Counselling Services, on Monday 15th May 2023 (9.30am – 4pm) with the following Aims and Learning Outcomes:

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To elucidate the impact of Five Factor Model, and of Cognitive Triads, on the assessment and formulation of Service Users difficulties.
To discuss the contribution of CBT to Participants understanding of the formation and maintenance of relationships.
To identify the contribution CBT to such concepts as, thinking errors and the development of core beliefs and underlying rules and assumptions, to understanding the development of individual pathology.
To explore how theoretical understanding shapes practice.
To compare and contrast Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with existing knowledge, skills and therapeutic interventions used in current practice.
To provide case studies to help conceptualise the learning
To provide an information pack and further reading

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Learning Outcomes

Be able to make links between early experiences and thoughts, feelings and behaviours in the here and now
Be able to conceptualise and formulate the impact of early childhood experiences
To be able to work in collaboration with the client and partnership agencies to build a robust case formulation upon which a treatment plan can be delivered
To be able to deliver interventions that are Cognitive, Behavioural, evidence based and facilitate change
Handouts, CPD Certificates for all participants

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Total Cost: £95

Location: ACT Counselling Services, 210 Glasgow Road, Rutherglen, G73 1SA.   

To find out more about any of our courses in Glasgow and further afield, please get in touch or if you are interested then in applying then download a booking form here>>

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See Course Timetable

Click below to see a breakdown of the course timetable


9.30am – 10.30am Welcome/Introductions/ Schema Modes/Contracting
10.30am – 10.45am – Break
10.45am – 11.30am – Introduction to CBT (Power Point Presentation)
11.30am – 12.00pm – Demo of 5 Factor Model
12.00pm – 12.30pm – Pairs Exercise – 5 Factor Model
12.30pm – 1.15pm – Lunch
1.15pm – 1.45pm – Unhelpful Thinking Styles (Group discussion)
1.45pm – 2.00pm – Unhelpful Thinking linked back to schema modes and 5 factor model
2.00pm – 3.45pm – Case Formulation, Rules for Living (Benefits/Costs), Core Beliefs (Core Continuum)
3.45pm – 4.00pm – Feedback/Close.

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