Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities

ACT Counselling Services in Glasgow Equal Opportunities


ACT Counselling Services Ltd believes that no child, individual, or family should be excluded from the Centre’s activities on the grounds of age, gender, health, sexuality, class, family status, means, ability, colour, ethnic origin, culture, religion, or belief. We aim to ensure that all who wish to work in, or volunteer to help with, our organisation should have an equal chance to do so.

Referrals and Applications

Our services are open to anyone who thinks that they can engage and/or participate in them.


ACT Counselling Services Ltd will appoint the best person for each job and will treat fairly all applicants. No applicant will be rejected on grounds that contravene this Policy Statement. Commitment to implementing the Equal Opportunities Policy will form part of the job description of all staff/sub-contractors, paid or unpaid.

Equipment and Resources

The materials and resources used in training, therapy or supervision will reflect a balanced view of the world and an appreciation of the rich diversity of our multiracial society. Materials will be selected to help service users develop their self -respect and to respect other people by avoiding stereotypes and derogatory pictures or messages about any group of people.

Special Needs

ACT Counselling Services recognise the wide range of special needs of people in our community, and will attempt to offer places to any service user whatever their, special need.

Discriminatory Behaviour/Remarks

This is unacceptable. The response will aim to be sensitive to the feelings of the victim(s) and to help those responsible to understand and overcome their prejudices.


Information, written and spoken, will be clearly communicated in English. Bilingual/multilingual children and adults are an asset, they will be valued and their languages recognised and respected in the Centre.

Complaints Procedure

ACT Counselling Services Ltd is committed to learning and changing to ensure this policy is upheld. Any person who feels that this policy has not been upheld can make a complaint. This will be dealt with by a director. An appropriate independent person will investigate the complaint, listening to all staff, volunteers, children and families affected or involved. If the complaint is against a particular individual, this person will have the opportunity to express their point of view, accompanied by a friend. The person making the complaint will also have this opportunity. Any decision to exclude a person from the organisation due to discriminatory or harassing behaviour will be made in reference to our organisations constitution and employment policies. ACT Counselling Services Ltd will support people who feel they have been harassed or discriminated against, and will not victimise or treat them less well because they have raised this.

If you would like to find out more about ACT Counselling Services in Glasgow then please get in touch with us on 0141 554 0838 or contact us here.

Get in touch

Diploma in Counselling Supervision

ACT Counselling Services are delighted to announce the commencement of the above course. The course…... Read More

Introduction to CBT – 1 day course

This course is a very popular course and offers participants some profound personal insights and…... Read More

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

The main counselling approach practised at ACT Counselling Services is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, often referred…... Read More